A frank discussion on prostate massage

  Radio transcript, originally aired on Radio 4’s Afternoon Discussion show on the 26th February 2019   Briefly, what is a prostate massage? This week the show’s premise revolved around Men’s Health, mental and physical. On this episode the panel discusses erotic massage, specifically talking about the best prostate massage London services. For those not…

4 hands – Masseuses reveal all

  What exactly is four hands all about? A four hands massage is a unique experience that offers many people the chance to be sexually intimate with two other people as opposed to the usual set up of just one other person. We know this is a rather difficult scenario for many men to get themselves…

Nuts about Nuru!

It’s the Japanese erotic massage style that has taken Britain by storm. But why is that? Why over the last 6 months has Britain seen a huge wave of popularity soar for this once obscure and specialist massage style? Can it be that the mounting pressures of the UK’s political climate have opened the floodgates…